Water Service Solutions for Connecticut Homeowners

Water Systems Specialties (WSS), an RWA Company

~ We're all about Water ~

Servicing all of Connecticut

Time for your yearly Water Treatment System service?

Schedule an appointment today.

WSS: Annual Service Request

Service for public water systems that are privately owned


WSS manages over 80 small privately owned public water systems, as Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) certified water distribution and water treatment plant operations.

We collect water quality samples and conduct routine maintenance, including maintaining, repair, replacement of their well pumps, water treatment, and water main systems. In addition, WSS monitors and maintains DPH regulatory compliance for these PWS.

Well Pumps and Treatment Systems for your home

The perfect Well Pump for your home

Contact WSS when choosing the best new or replacement well pump. With our guidance, you will avoid the common homeowner’s complaint of low or unsatisfactory water pressure. We’ll evaluate all factors to be sure you have the most effective pump for your well.

Treatment Options for your Well Water

Are you concerned about the bad-tasting, smelling, corrosive or cloudy water from your well? Our lab can test your water for all common pollutants and natural contaminants, and we can install a filtration system to provide the cleanest water possible.

Have Questions? We have Answers.

Check out our FAQs or give us a call

For more than 30 years, WSS has been trusted for its expertise in drinking water operations and treatment, inspections, service, maintenance, and repair.

WSS is a State of Connecticut Department of Health (DPH) certified water distribution and water treatment plant operator.

Water Systems Specialties

33 River Street, Unit 3 | Thomaston, CT 06787

Affiliations and Memberships

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